
Stop! 2019

The Student Business Incubator in Split organizes an international university competition for startups – Stop! 2019. Split will 20. and on May 21 become the European […]

Employee motivation: art or science?

Recruiting quality and talented staff can be really difficult, and keeping such staff is a double challenge. Such employees need a high level of motivation and […]

Alternative sources of funding for startup business

One of the most important items when starting a new business is precisely the financial component of the entire project. So raising money for your own […]

B2B & B2C concepts

Dog or cat? Coffee or tea? Superman or Batman? Beatles or Stones? These are questions that have plagued humanity for decades, and in the business world, […]

Mark Cuban’s 12 rules for starting a startup

The best way to learn about business and running a successful business is from those who have proven themselves in a certain field and built an […]

The evolution of digital competitiveness: digital literacy in the EU

In ancient Greece, the biggest insult was to call someone illiterate. Today we all know how to read and write. Does literacy today mean more than reading and writing?

To what extent do genes influence our business decisions?

The diversity of behavior patterns can be attributed to the influences of both environment and genetics. Research in the field of behavioral genetics has made a […]

“Europe`s tech & startup events 2019” calendar

The European technology ecosystem is growing, and so is the number of startups and technology events. The center of the digital universe used to be London, […]

The craziest inventions in 2018. year

Today, technology has advanced so much that absolutely anything is possible. The list shows all the inventions that saw the light of day in 2018. year. […]