University Green Digital HUB partners are conducting in the winter semester 2023/24 elective course on improving digital, green and entrepreneurial skills.
Digital, Green and Entrepreneurial Upskilling Program is a comprehensive educational e-learning program designed to equip students with the essential skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the digital age while promoting sustainability and entrepreneurship. The program is divided into five distinct modules, each focusing on a specific aspect of digital entrepreneurship and sustainable practices. This program is tailored to promote holistic development, fostering both technical expertise and a deep understanding of sustainable principles.
The modules are designed in a way that includes 2 hours of contact (online) teaching or lectures, while the rest is dedicated to independent work of the participants (reading, videos, quizzes, assignments, and similar activities). An exception is Module 4, where four (online) sessions are planned. The total workload is equivalent to 5 ECTS credits.
After completing the program, students will also receive a Europass digital certificate.
Interested students can apply for the program through the following links.
Students from Split: APPLY HERE
Students from Stuttgart: APPLY HERE
Students from Malaga: APPLY HERE
See the program here: PDF